The County Assembly retreats for report writing on Inspection Tour of the County Government Projects

The County Assembly has retreated to Nairobi to do a report writing on the recently concluded inspection tour of the Kitui County Government Projects done.

While opening the retreat, the Assembly Speaker, Hon. George Ndotto, E.G.H. informed members that the Assembly is expecting a very robust report about the situation on the ground and that it should form the basis for legislation in order to move our county forward. Having gone round the county with the respective teams, he noted that the tour was a very informative undertaking and that there is definitely a lot to report on.

This report intends to detail the findings collected during the week long county engagement. It will encompass details from the health, education, roads, infrastructure, water and other related sectors within Kitui County Government.

The four individual teams are expected to come up with comprehensive team reports which each team member should adopt. Thereafter, a unified county inspection tour report is going to be developed incorporating recommendations for various county departments from the team findings.

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