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Interventions and sustainable measures are some of the main issues which were discussed today by members during debate on the report by the committee on Environment, Energy and Mineral Investment Development on Sand harvesting sites in Kitui County.

The report which was moved by the Committee Chairperson Hon. Jacob Kavolonza (Mui) and seconded by Hon. Johnson Kanandu (Mumoni)was unanimously supported and approved by the House.

Some of the key speakers during the debate, Hon. Kasee Musya (Kisasi), Hon. Jane Mutua (Kauwi) and Hon. Dr. Grace Mutua (Nominated) among others reiterated the importance of responsible and sustainable sand harvesting as a means of income to enhance the local economy.

Further the House emphasized that the responsible County Ministry implements the committee’s recommendations in order to ensure that the trade benefits the people of Kitui County. Some of the recommendations captured included:

  1. The County Ministry on Environment and Natural resources to enact a sand utilization and harvesting Act, to guide scooping and usage of sand within and outside the County.
  2. In order to be in harmony with the local community, funds raised on sand harvesting are to be used in repairing roads.
  3. The method of identification and procuring an investor is required to be made clear and open to the public.
  4. The County government through the relevant ministries is required to come up with sustainability programs such as stop gaps, sub-surface dams and tree planting to reduce sand erosion to the dams.
  5. Members of the public must be involved and made aware in matters to do with extraction of natural resources in the County.

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