Hon. Musee Mati takes an oath of office

The recently elected Member of County Assembly representing Mutonguni Ward, Hon. Musee Mati took an oath of office on 30th October 2019. In accordance with the procedures of the House, he was escorted to the Table to be presented to the Speaker by Hon. Mary Kanini (Mwingi Central MCA, Independent) and Hon. Sylvester Munyalo (Matinyani Ward, Narc).

Hon Mati who was elected on a Maendeleo Chap Chap ticket was accompanied by his wife Mrs. Tina Musee, Mr. Timothy Kilonzo, Chief Advisor to the Governor of Machakos County, Sub County and Ward Administrators from Machakos and Kitui County amongst other friends and his campaign team from Mutonguni Ward.

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